In this Issue:
Important Notices
Student Achievement
The Arts News
Sports & Outdoor Education News
VET/Workplace Learning News
Christian Service Learning (CSL) News
Library News
Community News
Important Notices
College Virtual Tour
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new College Virtual Tour. In this rapidly evolving digital age, we understand the importance of providing an accessible and engaging platform for individuals to discover and connect with our College. The virtual tour offers an innovative way to explore our campus, facilities, and vibrant learning environment from the comfort of your own home.
Through high-quality 360-degree videos and breathtaking aerial shots, you will be transported into our halls, classrooms, sporting grounds, and various other spaces that make our College a special place for learning and growth.
We invite our College community to share this exciting news with friends, family, and anyone who may be interested in learning more about the College. To be one of the first to view our College Virtual Tour, navigate to the ‘Virtual Tour’ section of our website, or click the link below:
WA Day Long Weekend
A friendly reminder to our community that the College will be closed on Monday 5 June 2023 for WA Day. We look forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 6 June.
To see all upcoming events, visit: www.motherteresa.wa.edu.au/calendar
Junior School Cross Country Carnival
The Junior School Cross Country Carnival will be taking place on Friday 9 June. Parents and caregivers are invited to attend and can spectate from the allocated areas. See the schedule of events below:
Pre-Primary and Year 1 – 700m
Year 2 – 1km
Year 3 – 1.5km
Year 4 and 5 – 2km
Year 6 – 2.5km
Order of the Day
* These times are guides *
Period 1 – Year 2
Period 2 – Year 4
Period 3 – Year 5
Period 4 – Year 6
Period 5 – Year 3
Period 6 – Year 1 and Pre-Primary
Junior School Disco
Last Friday, our Junior School students lit up the dance floor at the highly anticipated Junior School Disco. It was an evening filled with music, laughter and incredible dance moves!
We extend our appreciation to the Friends of Mother Teresa (FOMT) team and volunteers for their unwavering commitment to enhancing the student experience and creating opportunities to bring our school community together. Their dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm made the disco an unforgettable experience for our students. We also want to give a special shoutout to our incredible Junior School students for their amazing dance skills and positive attitudes. We hope you all had an enjoyable night to remember.
LifeLink Fundraiser
On Wednesday 31 May, our Junior School students participated in a meaningful money chain fundraiser to support the Archbishop's LifeLink Agencies. LifeLink Agencies reach out to those people in our community in need. Our support of LifeLink follows the traditions of both Mother Teresa and Australia's first Saint, Mary MacKillop.
Each class was asked to create a collage depicting the people in our community that our students were directly helping. These collages will be taken to the LifeLink Launch on Wednesday 7 June. Here they will be used to create a combined collage from all Catholic Schools to be placed in the grounds of St Mary's Cathedral prior to her Feast Day in early August.
We thank all our students and families who have contributed. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of individuals and families who are facing adversity and providing them with hope and support.

National Sorry Day & Reconciliation Week
Last Friday, we came together as a community to observe National Sorry Day, a solemn day of remembrance and reconciliation. It was a time to acknowledge and reflect upon the profound impact of past government policies that led to the Stolen Generations.
During the day, our Secondary students proudly raised flags, standing as a symbol of respect and acknowledgment. Their act served as a powerful reminder of the importance of recognising the deep pain and injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Meanwhile, our Junior School students demonstrated their creativity and compassion by designing hand and footprint artwork and creating a moving Sorry Day display in the Bush Tucker Garden. Their efforts were a heartfelt tribute to the Stolen Generations and a show of solidarity with the affected families and communities.
College staff came together for a themed morning tea which sparked conversations about reconciliation and learning from one another, fostering a sense of unity and understanding within our community. We thank Ms. Skelly, our Aboriginal Education Assistant, for organising activities and bringing our community together for National Reconciliation Week.
Eucharist Retreat
On Tuesday 23 May, Year 4 classes participated in a reflective retreat day in preparation for their receiving of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The retreat day commenced with Mass led by Father Alexis and was hosted by 24:7 Youth Ministry members: Angela, Anthony, Jennifer, Jesse, Kristian and Sebastian.
Students participated in Christ-centered activities to understand why we celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist and the importance of the occasion. We thank the Ministers from 24:7 Youth Ministry for sharing their knowledge with our students and preparing them to receive the Eucharist for the first time.
Student Achievement
Alex Kingston (Year 11)
Year 11 student Alex Kingston has been selected as 1 of 5 WA Australian Air Cadets to receive a full scholarship to obtain his pilot licence. This is a fantastic opportunity for Alex and a great stepping stone for a potential career as a pilot with the RAF, the Royal Navy, Army or commercial airlines. Alex was also recognised as DUX of squadron and awarded an RSL community award this year. Well done Alex - we are very proud of your fantastic achievements!
Patrick Hart (Year 6)
Year 6 student Patrick Hart is competing in the upcoming 2023 Australian Little League Championship in Sydney from 6-15 June . This is a fantastic achievement and we wish Patrick the best of luck in the national tournament!
We love to celebrate student achievement! If you have a success story and photo you'd like to share, please email: marketing@motherteresa.wa.edu.au
The Arts News
The Little Mermaid - Cast Announced
Mother Teresa Catholic College is thrilled to announce its upcoming production of Disney's beloved musical, "The Little Mermaid," to be presented at the prestigious Mandurah Performing Arts Centre in 2024.
With so many fantastic student auditions, it was a very tough task for our production team to select the final cast members. We thank all students for taking the time to audition and encourage anyone that missed out this time to take advantage of the many behind-the-scenes opportunities to come.
See the full cast list here: www.motherteresa.wa.edu.au/TLM2024Cast
Show dates and ticket details coming soon!
Sports & Outdoor Education News
SSWA Netball Cup
On Tuesday 23 May, Year 7-10 students represented Mother Teresa Catholic College at the SSWA High School Netball Cup. The girls represented the College well and the effort showed by all involved was outstanding.
Although our team was not successful in progressing to the next round, it was an exciting opportunity for our students to show their skills in a competitive context. Great job girls!
Year 3 PSSA Soccer Carnival
On Thursday 25 May, Year 3 students participated in the PSSA Soccer Carnival at Peelwood Reserve. The focus of the day was inclusion, participation and sportsmanship.All students should be commended on passing the ball to their team mates, encouraging others and handshaking the other team after the game. Year 6 students have been coaching the Year 3s after school and showed excellent leadership and were inspiring role models to our Year 3s.
No scores were kept or trophies awarded - It was just for fun! We hope our Year 3 students had a fantastic day out and enjoyed the opportunity to show off their skills.

VET/Workplace Learning News
Year 9 Career Taster Day
On Thursday 25 May, Year 9 students participated in an Early Career Discovery Program Excursion at South Metro TAFE. The Course is a 6 hour accredited qualification providing selected Year 9 students with early exposure to career options and pathways. Students experienced being an official TAFE student where they worked independently through various TAFE systems to discover potential career options for them. They engaged in a presentation by the Jobs and Skills Centre where they also experienced an interactive campus tour and completed practical career activities and questionnaires to get a better idea of possible career interests and opportunities.
Our students were exceptionally behaved and represented the College with pride. In speaking with some students upon their return to school, they were buzzing with ideas and said they definitely had a better idea about what career options they might like to explore in their future. Many were also keen to see if there would be any further Career Taster opportunities coming up!
KIC iSCIENCE and KIC iWOMEN graduating students
Congratulations to two of our current Year 10 students who have recently graduated from iProjects, facilitated by KIC (Kwinana Industries Council). On the graduation evenings, students who participated in Term One’s iSCIENCE and Term Two’s iWOMEN presented what they had done and learnt in their programs to their parents and caregivers and representatives from their schools and industry.
Workshops included team building activities, career pathways and goal setting, STEM activities, health and wellbeing, resumes and interview skills. There were also visits to Murdoch University, the Construction Futures Centre, Alcoa and Tronox. Participation in these programs can assist towards student achievement of their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Well done girls!
Shree-Saffi Satya - iSCIENCE
“Throughout my experience with the KIC iSCIENCE project, I enjoyed the excursion to Murdoch University the most. It gave me a good insight into what universities have to offer, as well as what courses I might consider taking in the future. As well as an excursion to Murdoch University, we went to Native Plants WA, Coogee Chemicals, Cockburn Cement and the Construction Futures Centre (CFC). I would recommend CFC for Year 10 students who are curious about a career in construction.”
Liliana Drewniak – iWOMEN
“Throughout the program, we visited a range of industries and met industry representatives to teach us more about the roles in the workforce. The program provided an opportunity for us to see what the industry actually looks like. We also attended many workshops that taught us valuable skills and tools which will help us prepare for the workforce. My favourite part of the program was attending the site tour of Mineral Resources, as it showed me the different roles that are available to work in. The Mechanical Fitting and Heavy Diesel sections of the site were my personal favourite. I learned so much from the program including public speaking skills, resume writing, and many more. I would definitely recommend the program to future Year 10 students, as I believe that it teaches you further about all sorts of exciting industries and trades that you could look at going into in the future.”
Christian Service Learning (CSL) News
CSL Stars
Groups of Year 12 students and staff recently dedicated their time and energy to make a positive impact on the community through volunteering for Wheelchairs for Kids and the Red Cross Soup Patrol.
Wheelchairs for Kids: Our enthusiastic volunteers rolled up their sleeves and joined the Wheelchairs for Kids initiative. They dedicated their skills and efforts to assemble and refurbish wheelchairs for children in need. By lending a helping hand, our students are making mobility and independence possible for deserving young individuals.
Red Cross Soup Patrol: Another incredible volunteering opportunity that our students and staff embraced was the Red Cross Soup Patrol. They graciously joined this noble cause, preparing and distributing warm meals to those experiencing homelessness in the streets of Perth city. By offering nourishment and a friendly smile, our MTCC community is extending compassion and support to those who need it most.
Well done CSL stars!
Library News
Book Club - Issue 4 Out Now
Community News
Mass Times:
Tuesday - Friday: 9.00am
Saturdays: 6.00pm
Sundays: 9.30am & 5.00pm
1st Friday of each month: Adoration (following 9am Mass)
Benediction 10.15am
Saturday: 5.30 - 5.50pm (prior to Mass)
Online Community
Join our online College community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!