12 August 2022
In this Issue:
Important Notices
The Arts News
Sports News
Sustainability News
Community News
Important Notices
Feast of the Assumption Mass - 8am, Monday 15 August
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the feast that celebrates Mary’s assumption into Heaven, body and soul. There are only two Holy Days of Obligation for Australia, in the liturgical calendar: 15 August (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and December 25 (The Nativity of the Lord). So it shows how special the Assumption is for Catholics.
A Holy Day of Obligation, for Catholics, means they are ‘obliged’ to attend mass as if it was a Sunday, no matter what day of the week that Feast falls.
We warmly welcome all members of our community to join us at 8am at the Parish for the Feast of the Assumption Mass. All students and staff are strongly encouraged to attend.
Upcoming Catholic Day - Monday 22 August 2022
A friendly reminder to our community that the College will be closed on Monday 22 August 2022 for our observed Catholic Day.
Defence Club
The Defence Club will be hosting an afternoon event for the Junior Defence Kids at Mug 'N Brush on Wednesday 31st August 2022, after school at 3.30pm.
RSVP to Mrs Emily Henderson by 24 August 2022:
Please see the attached flyer for more details.
Book Week Costume Parade
It's time to start planning your Book Week costumes! Our much-loved annual Book Week Costume Parade will take place on Wednesday 24 August 2022. All students and staff are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character or dress to this year's theme: 'Dreaming with Eyes Open...'
We can't wait to see all of your creative costumes!
Staying Safe Online with Paul Litherland
Parents and friends of the Mother Teresa Catholic College community are invited to attend Paul’s upcoming talk where he will explore the following topics:
Digital citizenship – where our kids are going online, the apps they are using and the information they are sharing
Online footprint – how easy it is to find kids online and what parents can do to minimise the risk
Social networking and networking in general – how the systems work and how to overcome their reach
Online gaming and website use – the risks and uses
Tips and tricks – how to keep an eye on your kids through software and hardware. Easy instructions on what we can do to keep them safe online
Tuesday 30 August 2022 | 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM | Occupied Stairs
Friends of Mother Teresa (FOMT) News
About FOMT
The Friends of Mother Teresa (FOMT) was formed in January 2022.
FOMT performs an important role in our College community. They are actively involved in planning events, activities and projects at the College, whilst also providing valuable assistance and support.
FOMT are looking for volunteers to help out at various activities and events at the College. Joining FOMT will provide you with opportunities to connect with other families, find out what’s happening, have a voice on a range of matters and help shape the future of the College.
To register your interest, please contact: fomt@motherteresa.wa.edu.au
Father’s Day Stall
Our annual Father's Day Stall is just around the corner. Tickets can be purchased here:
1 ticket = 1 gift (all gifts are $5 each).
Sales of Tickets/Gifts will close Friday 26th August 2022 at 7pm.
Students will be able to select their purchased gifts from a stall on-site during class time on Wednesday 31, Thursday 1 or Friday 2 of September.
The Arts News
The opening night for our College production of The Wizard of Oz is less than one week away!
This adaption will be an amalgamation of a full year’s dedication and work from students involved in multiple co-curricular programmes around the College. The production will highlight just some of the talent Mother Teresa Catholic College has to offer, showcasing all their skills and abilities in a live musical.
This will be an event not to miss!
Dates and Times
Thursday 18 August - 7.00pm
Friday 19 August - 11.00am & 7.00pm
Saturday 20 August - 11.00am & 5.00pm
Visual Arts - Donations Wanted
Did you know that reusing is a more effective waste management strategy than recycling? If you have any old or unwanted dressmaking patterns, please consider donating these to our Visual Arts department for their current art projects.
Donations can be dropped off at our College reception. Thank you for helping us to reduce, reuse and recycle!
2022 Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF)
On Tuesday 2 August, our students performed at the 2022 Catholic Performing Arts Festival (CPAF).
The Year Two students presented a choral speech of Roald Dahl's 'Little Red Riding Hood', which was highly praised by the adjudicator as a brilliant performance. Well done to Miss Fettis and her Year Two students for their fabulous and fierce performance!
Our College Senior Liturgical Dance group participated in the 'Christian Dance' section held at Mercy College. The students performed beautifully and represented the College with pride.
Adjudicator Ruth Bott said:
"Your praise was very special. Lovely extensions and artistic lines. Wonderful musicality, with a unique and emotional aspect with your glorious singing. This was an exceptional powerful moment. For a small ensemble you had significant impact. Thank you for this beautiful and reflective sacred dance."
Congratulations to Ms Jacobsen and her Dance Academy Troupe on their fantastic performance!
2022 Mandurah Wearable Art Competition
Year 10 student Mimi Fong's garment titled "The Things We Never Sent" made it through to the judging stage of the 2022 Mandurah Wearable Art Competition. On Sunday 31 July, Mimi had the opportunity to model her designed garment on the runway. The winners will be announced in the coming weeks.
Congratulations Mimi!
Sports News
Senior School Athletics Carnival
What a fantastic day had by all at our Senior School Athletics Carnival. Well done to all the students who participated and represented their House with pride. Congratulations to our 2022 Inter-house Athletics Carnival Champion House: BOODJAR!
Here are some of our favourite snaps of the Carnival with more to come...

Junior School Athletics Carnival
The Junior School Athletic Carnivals are scheduled for the following days:
Pre-Primary - Year 2 Carnival
Thursday 25 August 2022
Year 3 - Year 6 Carnival
Friday 26 August 2022
An events schedule will be distributed in due course.
Sustainability News
We have been celebrating ‘National Tree Day’ by planting trees and shrubs, reading stories about trees, discussing the importance of trees and hugging our favourite tree. Our Year 6 Sustainability leaders did an amazing job digging some holes to plant the fruit trees.
The Pre-primary students love collecting the eggs. They are amazed at the different coloured eggs and like to guess which chicken laid each egg. We have been planting potatoes, beans and baby cauliflower whilst feeding the broad beans some worm wee to help them grow.
The Year 1 students did a fantastic job planting in the butterfly garden.
South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL) provided plants to our College as part of the ‘Phosphorus Awareness Project’ grant it receives from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA). They aim to educate the community about the environmental impacts of too many nutrients entering our waterways”. Thank you SERCUL, we really appreciate your donation.
Thank you so much to all the families for supporting the ‘Wonder Recycling Rewards Program.’ By collecting soft bread bags of any brand, we can earn reward points to redeem on sports equipment. Please collect your emptied bread bags and place them in the pink boxes at the entrance of the Junior School, Kindy or front Administration Office in the Middle School. Let’s all start collecting; reducing our waste going to landfill and making a difference to our world.

Upcoming Market Stall
On Tuesday 16 August, we will be having a Market Stall before and after school. The Green Team will be selling freshly grown produce, worm wee, eggs, potted herbs, apple slinkies, bees wax lunch wraps and more! Find us at the entrance to the Junior School.
Community News
Tim Winton Young Writers Competition 2022
The City of Subiaco presents the 30th annual Tim Winton Award for Young Writers. This creative writing award is open to Western Australian school students and encourages imagination, innovation and creativity.
Entries for the Tim Winton Awards open at 9.30am on Monday 18 July.
2022 Tim Winton Award – Student Entry
2022 Tim Winton Award – Teacher Entry
To enter, register and submit your work online before 5.30pm on Friday 12 August.
More information can be found here.
Mass Times:
Saturday vigil : 6 pm
Sunday morning : 9:30 am (with Children's liturgy)
Sunday evening : 5 pm
Tuesday to Friday (except first Friday): 9 am
First Friday of every month: 6 pm
First Saturday of each month: 9.00 am
Saturday: 5:30 pm (before Mass)
Sunday: 4:30 pm (before Mass)
Tuesday to Friday: Before Mass or during Holy Hour
Holy Hour
Tuesday : 6 pm
Wednesday : 8 am
First Friday of every Month: 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (except 1st Friday of the month) : after 9am Mass
Sunday : 8.30am
Online Community
Join our online community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!