In this Issue:
Important Notices
Christian Service Learning (CSL) News
Kindy News
The Arts News
Defence Club News
Sustainability News
Community News
Important Notices
Closing of the Community Calendar
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The College is working on a new community calendar which will launched before the end of the school year. It will contain all pertinent dates for 2023. In the meantime, as we cannot support the existing calendar application, the community calendar has been closed for the rest of the year.
College Office - Holiday Opening Hours
The College Reception/Administration will close on Friday 9 December 2022 at 4.00pm and reopen Monday 23 January 2023 at 8.00am.
Monday 23 January: 8am - 4.00pm
Tuesday 24 January: 8am - 4.00pm
Wednesday 25 January: 8am - 4.00pm
Thursday 26 January: closed for Public Holiday
Friday 27 January: 8am - 4.00pm
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
2022 General Sales
Tuesday 29 November: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 12.30pm - 3.45pm
Thursday 1 December: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 12.30pm - 3.45pm
Tuesday 6 December: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 12.30pm - 3.45pm
Thursday 8 December: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 12.30pm - 3.45pm
2023 General Sales
Wednesday 18 January: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Monday 23 January: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Tuesday 24 January: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Wednesday 25 January: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Tuesday 31 January: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Wednesday 1 February: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
Thursday 2 February: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 1.00pm - 3.45pm
We will be back to trading normal hours from Tuesday 7 February 2022.
Tuesday and Thursday: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 12.30pm - 3.45pm.
Term Dates for 2023
Term 1:
Wednesday 1 February: All Junior School, Year 7 and Year 12 Students commence
Thursday 2 February: All Year 8,9, 10 and 11 Students commence
Friday 3 March: Pupil Free Day
Monday 6 March: Labour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 6 April: End of Term 1
Term 2:
Monday 24 April: Pupil Free day
Tuesday 25 April: Anzac Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 26 April: Students commence for Term 2
Monday 5 June: WA Day Public Holiday
Friday 30 June: End of Term 2
Term 3:
Monday 17 July: Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 18 July: Students commence for Term 3
Friday 25 August: Pupil Free Day
Friday 22 September: End of term 3
Term 4:
Monday 9 October: Students commence Term 4
Monday 23 October: Pupil Free Day
Friday 8 December: End of Term 4
Community Christmas Carols
Please join us for an evening of Christmas Carols on Friday 2 December 2022. Students are to arrive by 4.45pm for the commencement of Carols at 5pm. The Christmas Carols will take place on the Junior School Oval, so feel free to bring a picnic blanket to sit on. Should you require chairs, these must be placed at the back of the grassed area so that visibility is not impaired. A sausage sizzle and drinks will be available for purchase and vans will be selling coffee, ice cream and fairy floss.
We look forward to a lovely evening of student performance to get us into the Christmas spirit! We hope to see you there
2023 Year 12 College Ball
For the first time in our College history, we are delighted to formally invite our Class of 2023 to the Year 12 Ball! The Year 12 Ball will be held on Saturday 28 January 2023 from 7pm - 11pm. Students will enjoy a spectacular waterfront location at the Fremantle Sailing Club, which overlooks the Indian Ocean. We look forward to starting the year off with a bang as we celebrate with our very first graduating Year 12 cohort!
A reminder to all students to RSVP by Friday 25 November 2022.
For more information, visit: www.motherteresa.wa.edu.au/events
Our students and staff are getting into the spirit of Movember! Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. Not everyone can grow a moustache, but we have other ways to spread awareness and show our support! 🥸 #Movember2022


Christian Service Learning (CSL) News
Crosses for Comfort
Last week, our Christian Service Learning (CSL) program was launched with Crosses for Comfort. Comfort crosses are designed to fit comfortably into the palm of one's hand as an aid to prayer or meditation. It is an ideal spiritual companion for easing fears and worries. Students volunteer their own time after school to make wooden crosses and toys out of woodwork offcuts.
The finished crosses are donated to the palliative care unit at St John of God hospitals. The toys are donated to sick children in hospitals and Wheelchairs for Kids, where they are sent to children all over the world. By participating in the program, our students are learning new life skills, recycling waste wood and giving comfort to those in need. Well done everyone!

Kindy News
Loose Parts in Kindy
On Tuesday 15 November, we welcomed Jonny from Pause, Rewind, Play to introduce our Kindy students to his fantastic collection of pre-loved and repurposed 'loose parts'. Some of these parts included go-kart wheels, electronics, household items and building materials. Our curious students were given the opportunity to have free play with the loose parts which encouraged them to explore, invent and create. This engaging incursion demonstrated the importance of play in children’s learning and development, while also lending itself perfectly to our Inquiry Learning pedagogy. Our Kindy students treasured the pre-loved parts and had a great time inventing new uses for them. What a fantastic and sustainable way to play!
Kindy 2023 Orientation
This week we welcomed our incoming 2023 Kindy students for their orientation day. Starting Kindergarten can be a daunting experience for parents and students alike! The orientation day was a fantastic opportunity for students to meet their new classmates and teachers, which helped to rid those first-day jitters. In no time, students started to explore and freely play with their new classmates before finishing the day with storytime. We can’t wait to welcome our new students for their first day in 2023!

The Arts News
Arts Scholarships and Music Bursaries
Mother Teresa Catholic College is proud to offer an outstanding and definitive Arts Program in 2023. The program has been designed to promote, encourage, and instil its participants with the life and industry-relevant skills to help kick start their passion for a career in The Arts.
Arts Scholarships and Music Bursaries will be available to any students who show an eagerness to promote and strengthen the College's ongoing commitment to the development of The Arts, while also showing an outstanding commitment with a true aptitude for various arts disciplines within the community.
AUDITION DAY: Wednesday 25 January 2023
View full Terms & Conditions
Arts Scholarships
Please complete this online form to apply for the 2023 Arts Scholarship. Arts Scholarships are open to students from Year 7 to Year 12 in 2023. Students will be contacted directly if they are successful in gaining a position in the interview/audition stage.
NOTE: This Scholarship covers the following disciplines DRAMA, DANCE, VISUAL ARTS and MUSIC.
Instrumental Music Bursaries
Please complete this online form to apply for the 2023 Music Tuition Bursary. Music Tuition Bursaries are open to students from Year 4 to Year 12 in 2023. Students will be contacted directly if they are successful in gaining a position in the interview/audition stage.
NOTE: This Bursary covers INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC TUITION FOR ONE SEMESTER ONLY, in the following disciplines Vocal, Guitar, Brass, Piano, Violin and Drums.
Defence Club News
RSL Poppy Appeal
Students from the Defence Club raised $152.70 from generous donations for the RSL Poppy Appeal during Week 5, in the lead up to Remembrance Day. Thank you to all families who bought a poppy and supported this worthy cause.
Defence Christmas Party
Defence Families enjoyed a 2022 wrap party for our MTCC Defence Kids program. We enjoyed afternoon tea together and Bubble entertainment from Rosie O. We had a visit from the team at Navy Community Engagement. What a way to round up a lovely year getting to know one another and supporting our Defence Kids through times of transition, parental absences due to work commitments and deployments. Lots more fun to come in 2023!

Sustainability News
We had Gaia’s Organics set up our amazing wicking beds this week. The Year 3 students planted vegetable seeds into some of the spaces in the beds. The Year 5 students have been learning about pollination and ways to attract beneficial bugs into our garden beds. Then in groups, they designed and created colourful “Pollination Pots”.
Our school chickens have been receiving lots of love from our students. They have been eating all our weeds and vegetable scraps, which means we are reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. The chickens are laying lots of eggs, which we will be selling at our last market stall for the year on Tuesday 6 December 2022.
The Pre-Primary students read the book, “Let’s Learn about Sustainable Living” and then watered our fruit trees, chopped up the fruit scraps and fed them to the worms. The Kindy students had lots of fun collecting the worms and worm castings to put into the garden beds to help our vegetables grow. On Monday, the Green team will be selling $2 raffle tickets at the front of the Junior School entrance. You can win a basket of wonderful sustainable items, a real Christmas tree or a basket of gardening items

Community News
BRICKS 4 KIDZ Summer School Holiday Workshops
With our own BRICKS 4 KIDZ models and Creative Play, the kids are always having fun at our School Holiday Workshops with LEGO® and Coding with Robotics! Our holiday activities are designed for kids ages 5 -12, are staffed by trained, screened BRICKS 4 KIDZ instructors, and have the best child to staff ratio around! Online enrolment is at the following link:
Mass Times:
Saturday vigil : 6 pm
Sunday morning : 9:30 am (with Children's liturgy)
Sunday evening : 5 pm
Tuesday to Friday (except first Friday): 9 am
First Friday of every month: 6 pm
First Saturday of each month: 9.00 am
Saturday: 5:30 pm (before Mass)
Sunday: 4:30 pm (before Mass)
Tuesday to Friday: Before Mass or during Holy Hour
Holy Hour
Tuesday : 6 pm
Wednesday : 8 am
First Friday of every Month: 5 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (except 1st Friday of the month) : after 9am Mass
Sunday : 8.30am
Online Community
Join our online community to keep up to date with news as it happens. Click the links below!